Registration and Payment


In order to register for the congress, please fill the APPLICATION FORM.

It is advisable that you to make a copy of the completed form, keeping it for your own records.

To complete the registration process, please send the filled FORM and payment confirmation by email to the Meeting Secretariat:

The registration fee is 125€ and it includes meeting attendance and documentation as well as lunches and coffee-breaks.

Anyone wishing to attend the conference dinner, including live music "Fado", on Tuesday, December 1st, must check the appropriate box on the Registration Form and add 27,5 € to the deposit, making a total of 152,50€.

Payment should be made by bank transfer to the following bank account:

  • Banco: 0781 0112 01120012743 35
  • IBAN: PT50 0781 0112 01120012743 35


Note: Please, specify in the details of the bank transfer: "Iberian Prion 2015: name and surname".

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